Ninety-two years ago, the American Goldfinch became Iowa’s state bird. Today, Iowans are calling for a state horse, fish and ...
The warm sun and bright blue sky were a nice backdrop as spring field work got underway on the Jackson Farms, near Rose Hill.
Entomologist documented greater rootworm pest pressure in the western Corn Belt states of Illinois, Iowa ... DiFonzo, the field crops entomologist at Michigan State University, compared bundling ...
Rates in the report are the amounts expected to be charged or paid in 2025 and include fuel and labor unless otherwise noted.
Since then, farmers have extensively used "Bt corn" hybrids. Subsequently, multiple field studies have reported ... Professor in Economic Systems at Iowa State University. "Essentially, each ...
Corn seen as least-bad option as crop prices languish A farmer drives a tractor across a field ... State University. Some farmers may be able to earn "a nickel or two" on every bushel of corn ...
As Day 2 of the 32nd Pro Farmer Crop Tour wrapped up on Tuesday, Indiana and Nebraska average corn and soybean yield estimates were coming in at higher levels than scouts saw in either state a ...
The following guest editorial was submitted by soil science professor David Laird of Iowa State University in response to a recent Farm Journal article about biochar titled “New Row-Crop Product ...