Tuesday, March 11, is Election Day for some cities and towns in Broward and Palm Beach counties. If your city has an election, make sure you vote. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., and ...
Cuts to the U.S. cybersecurity agency and FBI affected the federal workers tasked with stopping foreign interference in elections.
Election Day in Redondo Beach is just days away — so time is running out for residents to vote. And then, once Election Day on Tuesday, March 4, turns to election night, the waiting — for ...
I want to assure voters who voted early this morning that their votes will be tabulated before election night activities are concluded.” ...
Currently, ballots are counted if they are postmarked by Election Day and received by the following Friday ... The law ...
Now, he’s doing something similar: trying to get states to change their election rules. In an executive order Tuesday, Trump ...