That’s just what [Tobi4sDE] has done though, with his desktop BCD binary LED clock. The front panel is a black PCB on which sit the LEDs that form the binary display, and its back holds an ...
We thought outside the 43mm steel case, and decided to see what our most trusted watchmaking Maisons could make of a desk clock. Here are five of the best… What’s it made from? Crafted from ...
Casio Japan is releasing a new desk clock that will be familiar to those who’ve eschewed smartwatches in favor of simpler ...
Windows 10 removed the little clock widget. When I'm in a full screen game, I no longer can see the time. I've written a little clock which can be put onto a secondary monitor and kept above ...
Capello Round Time Table Clock: The Capello is a small and lightweight plug-in alarm clock with an easy-to-read LED display and a stylish gray-fabric front. A USB port in the back works great for ...
To get started make sure you have all the following requirements and after that open desktop-clock project with Qt Creator. You can monitor build process by keeping Compile Output (Alt + 4) tab open ...