Amid opposition from local governments, the House Budget Committee on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a proposal that could lead to cities, counties and other government agencies paying more in ...
County continues to work toward reopening the popular Punta Rassa boat ramp in late summer or early fall, following the ...
Rural officials are balking at legislation that would allow voters to decide whether county commissioners should be limited ...
Citrus County Commissioner Diana Finegan said it’s important for FWC to figure out what’s happening for the sake of the ...
In a major opinion, the Third District Court of Appeal rejected and reversed a trial court ruling that interpreted various ...
A new study aims to solve the mystery surrounding red tide, and scientists are seeking 400 volunteers to participate.
In a departure from recent trends, Port Orange and Cocoa city councils both voted to continue adding fluoride to their water ...
Help might be on the way sooner than later for Key Biscayne residents fed up with long traffic lines in and out of the ...
Cocoa, Brevard County's largest water supplier, plans to resume adding fluoride to its tap water. The city stopped adding the ...
Rural officials are balking at legislation that would allow voters to decide whether county commissioners should be limited to eight years in office, arguing that the restriction would quash the ...
Florida legislative session began on March 4 with Gov. Ron DeSantis presenting his State of the State address to spotlight ...
The Captiva Community Panel received updates on Protect Captiva’s legal actions and possible county projects for the island at its recent meeting, as well as heard about a new appointment to the panel ...