This place, Auschwitz, which is set up in the tradition of concentration camps, metamorphoses into a killing factory. And it's the only place on this scale to do that. Elsewhere they set up ...
Auschwitz Birkenau was the largest of the concentration camp complexes created by the Nazi German regime ... They are an inseparable part of a death factory organized with precision and ruthless ...
As the map demonstrates, the Auschwitz complex served as a concentration camp and an industrial centre for the exploitation of brutal slave labour - but it was the perpetration of genocide that ...
In 1933, the Dachau camp was commissioned by Heinrich Himmler as the first concentration camp in Germany. In the beginning, mainly political prisoners were imprisoned in Dachau Concentration Camp.
which were ideal for factory owners,” Szyndler said. He added that similar considerations led the German authorities to build here Europe’s largest concentration and death camp, whose barbed ...
This place, Auschwitz, which is set up in the tradition of concentration camps, metamorphoses into a killing factory. And it's the only place on this scale to do that. Elsewhere they set up ...