Los Angeles has reached peak bumper sticker: It’s now common to see cars displaying a rainbow of decals. Today’s stickers often mimic classic formulations from bumper stickers past and declare ...
Bumper stickers quickly became a permanent fixture ... Many of today’s amusing slogans play off classic formulas like “Keep honking, I’m [oblivious to the world because I’m listening ...
"I'm just one voice, but one voice can turn into many," investor Joanne Wilson told Business Insider about her decision to ...
The interview was interesting precisely because he wasn’t being timid and afraid to offend anyone. He probably offended a lot ...
Modern Family brings the laughs and the one-liners each and every episode. How well do you recall all those memorable words?
The vehicle is wrapped in a large decal of Donald Trump wearing aviator sunglasses and an American flag-patterned leather jacket, and clutching a copy of the US Constitution.
"Was it Elon's complete disregard for human beings as he attempts to completely disrupt the federal government like a classic tech ... their cars are buying up bumper stickers with phrases like ...
Johnson’s Hot Rod Shops nails the restoration of this classic cruiser.
The Grateful Dead were never really part of mainstream culture for most of their 30-year career that ended in 1995 with the ...