At its March 10th meeting, the Sioux City Community School Board voted not to approve the agreement for the program for the ...
Women in the military have been removed from the Department of Defense and Arlington Memorial Cemetery's websites: why this ...
Blake Levindoski, 19, is in his second year at West Point Military Academy, said the program is rigorous, challenging and, ...
The Palmetto Medal recognizes exceptional performance reflecting great credit on The Citadel and the state of South Carolina.
On March 24, 1971, the day before the Pakistani army unleashed the infamous “Operation Searchlight,” its top brass flew to ...
Eight of 18 women cadets in their final NDA term have chosen the army and will train at IMA for a year before being ...
Jacob Beard of Eureka was recently promoted to lieutenant colonel during a ceremony held Saturday, March 15, at Heartland ...
Cadet Captain Ruthie Wriedt joined the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) when she was 16 and became a licensed civilian pilot at 17 ...