Stay informed on global events with our in-depth world news coverage, bringing you the latest developments across politics, ...
In the latest air travel developments, the United Kingdom has made a significant change in its new requirement, effective this month, that all foreign arrivals must obtain an electronic travel ...
President Woodrow Wilson is known for showing Birth of a Nation in the White House and leading the Second Wave of the Ku Klux ...
The Navy’s first unmanned tanker is set to come to an aircraft carrier in 2026, according to the commander of Naval Air Forces. The first low-rate production version of Boeing’s MQ-25A Stingray will ...
Two new U.S. Navy aircraft carriers will honor living presidents for the first time in history. The massive vessels will carry forward the legacies of Presidents Bush and Clinton.
Chinese aircraft carrier CNS Fujian returned to a dry dock at Jiangnan Shipyard in Shanghai from a sea trial on January 7.
The time has come for the US Navy to field a new type of ship to supplement its supercarriers: Drone flattops. They would be crewed by robots and artificial intelligence, alongside human sailors ...
The most advanced but yet-to-be-commissioned Chinese aircraft carrier, CNS Fujian, has been spotted inside a dry dock by satellites after a series of sea trials over the past nine months.
Analysts with RAND Corp. say it is time for the US Navy to field drone aircraft carriers. These drone carriers disperse combat power at less expense and with less crew. A fleet of drone carriers could ...
The interest in cooperation on aircraft carrier construction was expressed by senior officials from Jakarta during recent meetings with the Indian side, defence sources told ANI. Indian officials ...
According to defense sources, senior officials from Jakarta expressed interest in collaborating on aircraft carrier construction during recent discussions with the Indian side. Indian officials ...