“The finding that doing as little as five extra minutes of exercise or vigorous incidental activities per day could be ...
Try virtual yoga, study suggests The new study focused on almost 15,000 adult volunteers who were given activity trackers to ...
As a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, I recently gleaned three new insights from my oncologist and phlebotomist.
Note: Some submissions include topics of verbal abuse, sexual harassment, suicide, and threats of violence. Please proceed ...
Taking care of your kidneys doesn't have to be complicated. Add these kidney-friendly foods to your meal rotations.
Police decide who ingested exactly which drugs based on a 12-step collection of clues gathered by staring into suspects’ eyes ...
Take Medindia’s Life Stressor Test that is designed to provide a reliable and comprehensive evaluation of your stress levels by utilizing ... heart rate and blood pressure, and over time ...
It often feels like a big part of our annual visits with patients, when they come in for their physical and blood tests and ...
Although many turn to drinking a lot of water for their overall health, too much can lower sodium levels ... As the pressure increases, conditions such as hypertension (high blood pressure ...
The National Kidney Foundation has a chart you can use to determine levels in specific types ... compounds that can reduce your risk of high blood pressure, stroke and heart disease.