Governor Mike Braun signed his first bill on Tuesday in House Enrolled Act 1149. The bill directs the Indiana State ...
House Bill 1149 will create an online portal that will provide farmers across the state with various tools and resources.
State Secretary of Human Services Val Arkoosh starts a busy day in west-central Pennsylvania with an appearance at The Arc of ...
We are having beautiful spring weather lately. It sure gives a person spring fever, although it’s really not too long before ...
The award is the highest honor an Indiana governor can bestow and is presented to Hoosiers who have made significant ...
Love in Amish country comes with rules that might surprise anyone unfamiliar with their traditions. These customs may seem ...
A state-run program pays farmers to help beleaguered Loggerhead Shrikes rebound by putting more shrubby habitat back on the ...
New bookstores are cultivating a stronger sense of belonging in neighborhoods and suburbs across Central Indiana.
Discover how Amy Kelsay and her family are educating and engaging the public about the agricultural industry through their farm tours and agritourism events.
In a tight budget year when state-funded entities have been told that a flat appropriation is a win, Health First Indiana ...
As we went to church this morning, is it just a habit of going? Most people go to church on Sunday and some have the habit of ...