The Louisiana black bear (Ursus americanus luteolus), is one of 16 subspecies of the American black bear, typically found ...
Later on in summer, red raspberries ( a key fruit species for bears), choke cherries, scarlet elder berries, dogwood fruits and blackberries ripen. In September, American mountain-ash berries, black ...
Additionally, a ghost bear is known as a Spirit bear or a Kerode bear and is a subspecies of the American black bear. The easiest way to distinguish the grizzly vs brown bear is their physical ...
There is science, not just folklore, behind several of the spirit bear’s traits. By genus and species, it’s an American black bear. But if both parents (no matter their color) have the same ...
The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries welcomes three black bear cubs into the world after conservation efforts. See the cubs here.