Lakewood reduced residential speed limits to 20 mph following resident complaints and installed nearly 500 new speed limit ...
The North Carolina Department of Transportation has reviewed West Fleming Drive from Burkemont Avenue to South Sterling ...
An Ohio State Highway Patrol (OSHP) trooper recently stopped a car for recently going well over the speed limit on U.S. 35.
GREENE COUNTY — An Ohio State Highway Patrol (OSHP) trooper recently stopped a car for recently going well over the speed limit on U.S. 35. On Monday, OSHP SW Ohio posted a photo of the traffic ...
Saratoga Springs might be the next Capital Region city to slash its speed limit. If you’re driving through the Spa City later ...
Eastbound at Crestwood, the speed limit is 35, but the city ordinance – Houston law – lists that zone at 40 mph. Westbound, there’s another mismatch near Detering Street. The sign says 40 ...
New 25 mph speed limit signs are posted along State Street on Friday ... State Street, east of Fehr Avenue, is dropping from 35 to 30 mph. Police Chief Eric Clifford said Thursday that police ...
Police then found that the driver, a Cleveland woman, 23, had a suspended license, along with a five-year-old in the back seat without a required child safety restraint or booster seat. She was cited ...
New speed limit changes are coming to the City of Hopewell in a few weeks. According to the Hopewell Police Department, speed limits on select roadways will be reduced from 35 mph to 25 mph beginning ...
Mahoning Township Supervisors on a 3-0 vote Wednesday agreed to have township solicitor Tom Nanovic draft an ordinance to lower the speed limit on Fritz Road. The speed limit would be lowered from 35 ...