For adults with hepatocellular carcinoma or liver metastases, low-dose liver radiotherapy plus best supportive care improve pain compared with best supportive care alone.
Menopausal hormone therapy (HT) usage rates declined from 2007 to 2023 and remain low. HealthDay News — Menopausal hormone therapy (HT) usage rates declined from 2007 to 2023 and remain low, according ...
Bariatric surgery emerges as a durable solution for obesity-related hypertension. HealthDay News — Bariatric surgery emerges as a durable solution for obesity-related hypertension, according to a ...
Despite the complexity of pre-biologic treatment use in patients with psoriasis, subsequent, first-line biologic drug survival was not affected.
Among the 461,323 individuals who received at least 1 RZV dose, 1264 experienced new-onset gout within 60 days postvaccination; 302 patients were determined to have incident cases of gout, with no ...
Vaginal estrogen, vaginal dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), oral ospemifene, and vaginal moisturizers may be beneficial for some genitourinary symptoms of menopause (GSM).
Use of a multidisciplinary care management pathway may improve pregnancy outcomes among women with SLE who previously had adverse obstetric outcomes.
Higher consumption of oats, gluten-containing cereals, and fruits by young children is associated with an increased risk for several type 1 diabetes measures.
Mothers receiving MOUD during pregnancy are more likely to be discharged with their infant relative to those not receiving MOUD.
NAFLD progression and occurrence were reduced among statin users compared with nonusers, especially among those with lower ASCVD risk.
Both Headspace and Silvercloud – mobile apps for mental health – are associated with significant improvements in depression and anxiety.
Individuals at clinical high-risk (CHR) who have lower baseline functioning, strong declines in global functioning over the year before psychosis, and greater disorganized symptoms have a shorter ...