After intense opposition in Ormond Beach, the company has shifted its focus, with a potential $800,000-per-year tax benefit ...
Tyrese Patterson, 23, was found guilty of second-degree murder with a firearm. Patterson and four others were involved in the ...
Stephanie Raimundo pled no contest to the charges and was sentenced to 16 years in a Florida prison, a Flagler Sheriff's ...
"I definitely think livestock kids are a different breed, in my opinion, just because of the hard work they're putting in," ...
It remains unclear whether the Senate will take up the bill which would overturn a law rooted in the Parkland shooting that ...
A house at 3747 N. Ocean Shore Blvd., in Hammock Dunes, was the top real estate transaction for March 8-14 in Palm Coast and ...
An electrical crew was called to fix the issue, but after a substantial amount of time, the umpires called the game, leaving ...
The Capt. James Ormond Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution recently awarded scholarships to four students.
Details: Attend Flagler County Cattlemen's annual Cracker Day with your friends and family. Rough Rider Games start at 8 a.m.
Historian Randy Jaye's latest book is titled, 'Florida Flashpoints: Extraordinary Moments From Spanish Colony to the Space Age.' ...
Ian Macleod is a member of one of the most famous families of waveski surfing. His father, John Macleod, began shaping the ...
Volunteers, like Tonya Dowling, are all certified through the Internal Revenue Service to help citizens file their tax ...