Nucleosynthetic isotope variability in early solar system materials; timescales and mechanisms of crust formation and mantle differentiation on the terrestrial planets; early Earth history; origin of ...
Richard Aslin received his B.A. in Psychology from Michigan State University (1971) and his Ph.D. in Child Psychology from the University of Minnesota (1975). He was on the Psychology faculty at ...
Don Ganem is a virologist and infectious diseases specialist whose research has focused on (i) the replicative and pathogenetic mechanisms of hepatitis B virus (HBV) and Kaposi?s sarcoma-associated ...
My laboratory has been identifying genes that contribute to development of vascular disease in humans and determining how these mutations alter normal physiology to result in clinical disease. Many of ...
My research interests are in molecular structure and spectroscopy, including perturbed angular correlation spectroscopy, scanning probe microscopy, and the application of these techniques to the study ...
I am involved in the experimental study of critical phenomena, especially near the superfluid transition of liquid ; experimental study of non-linear systems with an emphasis on wave-number selection ...
President of Chinese Physical Society since 2019. Former President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2006-2017) and former Vice President of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2017-2018). Academician of ...
David Aldous is Professor in the Statistics Dept at U.C. Berkeley, since 1979. He received his Ph.D. from Cambridge University in 1977. He is the author of “Probability Approximations via the Poisson ...
My research program is devoted to defining the mechanism of Transforming Growth Factors beta (TGF-beta) and the basis for the specificity of its effects on the cell. TGF-beta and related factors, ...
We seek to develop robust methods for predicting and designing macromolecular structures and interactions and to apply these methods to produce accurate models of naturally occurring proteins and to ...
My primary research area is mathematical analysis of phenomena exhibited by systems with many degrees of freedom, classical and quantum. Topics which have attracted particular attention include: ...
Our main interest is in identifying the important mutagens damaging human DNA, the defenses protecting us from them, and the consequences of DNA damage for cancer and aging. Aging and the degenerative ...