From the Miraflores Palace on national radio and television “cadena” (lit.chain, unified broadcast), President Nicolás Maduro ...
Fedecámaras Lara (Venezuelan Federation of Chambers of Commerce), together with the College of Economists and the Dean of ...
The tourism and industrial sectors of Guayana (Boliívar State) seek to potentiate the diversity of services and products that ...
During the High Mass in honor of the “La Virgen del Valle” (Our Lady of the Valley), in Lechería, where more than eight ...
Through a statement to the press the “Mochima Chamber of Commerce and Tourism”, denounced the repeated power outages that ...
Simón (fictitious name) had a clear outlook: he had considered that if Edmundo González, the opposition candidate of ...
The “Instituto Neoespartano de la Mujer” (Inemujer, New Spartan Women’s Institute, Venezuelan island state) documented two ...
The NGO ‘Observatorio de Universidades’ (OBU,Observatory of Universities) in its most recent bulletin indicated that 96% of ...
For the third consecutive day, a large part of the main streets and avenues of several cities in Colombia remain blocked by ...
After a hearing held on Saturday night, August 31st, eight minors detained in the post-election democratic protests on July ...
A new oil spill was recorded in the state of Anzoátegui, this time on the Cantaura-Anaco road, which is part of the national ...
The Foundation for Human Rights of Los Llanos (Fundehullan), reported the release of 8 teenagers in Guárico State who were ...