CLOONACOOL Note Time Change Mass time on Sunday 22 next will be at 9am. Note also that the opening time for the Mill ...
SHANKILL St James’ COI Crinken Services of Worship for this Sunday, the Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity: 10.30am Morning ...
GRAIGUENAMANAGH Graig notes Email news items, club events, announcements etc for the notes to [email protected].
RAMSGRANGE Notes contact details We are always delighted to include items of local interest in the notes. Please email ...
16-year-old Lauren Tracy has been refused place on bus as the school she attends is outside the catchment area Young Lauren ...
Tin Whistle and Flute Classes with Lorraine Sweeney will start on Saturday, September 28 in the Morrison Cottage, Riverstown.
Mornington Tidy Towns has been relaunched! The new Mornington Tidy Towns group committee members are: Mary Gallagher, Pat ...
The Living Room: The next monthly gathering with St. Mary’s, Enniskerry, will take place at 11am on Wednesday October 2nd in ...
The Garden of Ireland Liam Kelly Memorial Run hit the highways and by-ways of the county once more, as a convoy of over 50 ...
A partial lunar eclipse of a supermoon will be visible across Ireland overnight in a remarkable celestial coincidence.
A partial lunar eclipse of a supermoon will be visible across Ireland overnight in a remarkable celestial coincidence.