Tashkent’s draft general plan until 2045 was presented to the president, proposing to divide the city into three zones: conservation, reconstruction and renovation. The plan emphasizes environmental ...
Minister of foreign affairs of Uzbekistan Bakhtiyor Saidov on 9 October received the new head of the diplomatic mission of Afghanistan in Tashkent Abdul Ghafar Terawi, the ministry press service said.
To sustain economic growth and protect against external shocks, the government of Uzbekistan is advised to safeguard macro-financial stability and continue structural reforms, IMF mission said after a ...
Uzbekistan has strengthened measures and increased readiness of sanitary checkpoints to prevent the spread of the Marburg virus in the country, the Sanitary and Epidemiological Committee said. “There ...
Reduce outdoor exertion. Avoid ventilating indoor spaces with outdoor air. Sensitive groups should wear a mask outdoors. Turn on air purifier if indoor air quality is unhealthy. Data is collected from ...
Janubiy Koreyaning HAEAHN Architecture kompaniyasi Yangi Toshkentda 420 gektar maydonda tibbiy klaster bosh rejasini ishlab ...
Взяточничество уменьшилось, но хищения бюджетных средств возросли. Узбекистана намерен сохранить статус наблюдателя при ЕАЭС.
Ukraina prezidenti Vladimir Zelenskiy o‘z mamlakatini NATOga taklif qilishni Rossiya bilan urushni tugatishning yagona yo‘li ...
Ma’lumki, ko‘zalarda hamma narsa mazaliroq pishadi — bo‘tqa ham, go‘sht ham, sabzavotlar ham, sho‘rvalar esa shunchaki ajoyib ...
2025-yil O‘zbekistonda barcha sohalarga xususiy sektorni jalb qilish yili bo‘ladi, dedi Davaktiv rahbari Akmalxon Ortiqov ...
“Gazeta.uz” sud jarayonlarini yoritishda bir necha bor to‘siqlarga duch kelgan. Biz jinoyat ishlari bo‘yicha sudya Sarvar ...
Isroil bosh vaziri Binyamin Netanyahu HAMAS yetakchisi Yahyo Sinvar o‘ldirilgani ortidan G‘azo va Livanda urushni davom ...