Researchers have developed a computational tool that can pinpoint cause-and-effect relationships from large datasets of live-cell images, and illustrated its performance using a tumour-on-a-chip model ...
In Type 1 diabetes (T1D), insulin-producing β-cells are killed by islet-infiltrating immune cells in a process called “insulitis”. T1D results in a critical requirement for exogenous insulin and ...
This theoretical study makes a useful contribution to our understanding of a subtype of type 2 diabetes – ketosis-prone diabetes mellitus (KPD) – with a potential impact on our broader understanding ...
These cells deploy complex cytoskeletal rearrangements to recognize and eliminate potential threats 3. Even in the steady state, myeloid cells constantly survey their surroundings for potential ...
Pipettes and Problem Solving is an initiative that teaches some of the skills needed to figure out why an experiment is producing unexpected results.
Live-cell microscopy routinely provides massive amount of time-lapse images of complex cellular systems under various physiological or therapeutic conditions. However, this wealth of data remains ...
For the first time, a molecular mechanism is identified, for experimental acceleration and deceleration (rejuvenation) of sperm epigenetic aging.
Pathogenic activating point mutations in the LRRK2 kinase cause autosomal-dominant familial Parkinsońs disease (PD). In cultured cells, mutant LRRK2 causes a deficit in de novo cilia formation and ...
Structural studies reveal the mechanism by which the mRNA nuclear export machinery engages with nascent transcripts through interaction with the cap binding complex.
Wong et al. (2019) used a sensory preconditioning protocol to examine how sensory and fear memories are integrated in the rat medial temporal lobe. In this protocol, rats integrate a sound-light ...
In this study, we investigated the neuronal activity of the dentate gyrus (DG) with electrophysiological and optical imaging tools during sleep-wake cycles. We found that the activity of major ...
In the DDM, noisy evidence is accumulated into a decision variable until reaching one of the two bounds, representing commitment to one of two choices (e.g., left or right). In general, the average ...