My peers were suspended for two weeks for publicly, kindly and passionately expressing their beliefs in a 24/7-publicly available space—a space that College security swiftly shut down. The following ...
Khalil Wilkinson STORIES OF SAPPORO: Michael Thornton gestures as he speaks to the audience in the VAC Beam Classroom. Thornton discussed the colonization of Sapporo, a city in the Japanese island of ...
On Friday, President Safa Zaki and Chair of the Board of Trustees Scott Perper released the Ad Hoc Committee On Investments and Responsibility (ACIR)’s report in an email to the Bowdoin community.
Janet Briggs ON THE TRAN TRA(I)N: Jack Tran ’26 prepares to dive into the Greason Pool. Tran put up some impressive results and broke records at the men’s swimming and diving NESCAC championships this ...
On Sunday, the disciplinary process of the eight students temporarily suspended by the College as a result of their participation in the Bowdoin Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) encampment in ...
Our students’ recent action inspires me: As the darkness of our moment looms, their courage reminds me how these small, bright points of resistance are more necessary now than ever. By my second ...
Kiran Elfenbein EN GARDE: Eight student bands competed to open for redveil and Del Water Gap during the Spring Concert in April. Last night, Battle of the Bands 2025 kicked off an evening of eight ...
In “The Wizard of Oz” (1939), beneath a pair of pigtails and a blue gingham dress sat one of Hollywood’s most famous heels, graced by none other than Judy Garland. Dorothy’s most famous accessory ...
Isa Cruz ACTION, REACTION: An electrophysiological rig in Professor Manuel Díaz-Ríos's neuroscience lab in Druckenmiller Hall. In the month since President Donald Trump’s inauguration on January 20, a ...
Abigail Hebert STANDING TOGETHER: Students and community members stand outside of Moulton Union on Tuesday in a rally organized by SJP. Students spoke on community, solidarity and supporting the eight ...
Isa Cruz BEHIND THE SCENES: Independent filmmaker Courtney Stephens narrated “Terra Femme” and “The American Sector” live in the VAC Beam Classroom, explaining the process and motivations behind each ...
Abigail Hebert TEACHINGS FROM THE TEXTS: From left, fellows Vincent Diep ’28, Daniele Musry ’28, Rabbi Lisa Vinikoor, and Molly Richardson ’25 look on as fellow Sofia Fogg ’26 discusses the week’s ...