Six classic PS3 and Xbox 360 games, including some of the best games from this generation of gaming, are free for a limited ...
An Xbox 360 fan shared photos of his collection of consoles and controllers, including several special editions decked out in alternate art or colors dedicated to a promoted game. The Xbox 360 ...
Recompiled project, XenonRecomp does something similar, except for the PowerPC-equipped Microsoft Xbox 360 game console. Based around the triple-core IBM CPU codenamed ...
While the PS4 and Xbox One both had an amazing array of games, there were still a handful of phenomenal experiences that could only be had on the Xbox 360.
Xbox 360 emulation has stagnated, but a new tool enables native ports with huge enhancements to graphics and compatibility.
If you were browsing Pure Xbox yesterday, you may have spotted a story from our friends at Time Extension about a new Xbox ...
The Master Chief Collection and Gears' alien apocalypse was equally impactful in its own generation. Just think back on how many Xbox 360/PS3 games had a urine yellow filter (Fallout 3 ...
XenonRecomp is designed to convert Xbox 360 executables into C++ code, which can be recompiled for any platform. The tool ...
Digital Foundry says that there are improvements but key problems have not been addressed - and the PC port with mods is the best way to play.
It continues to sound like a "Gears of War Collection" is on the horizon, but it could be missing some pretty major features.