Among these dark Satanic mills? Bring me my bow of burning gold: Bring me my arrows of desire: Bring me my spear: O clouds unfold! Bring me my chariot of fire.
William Blake’s poetry and art come to Puducherry in this unique, theatrical marriage of spoken word and music ...
Explore beautiful places to visit in England, from York’s medieval streets to the stunning cliffs of the Seven Sisters and ...
Songwriter Billy Bragg is auctioning one of his guitars to help restore the West Sussex cottage where poet William Blake wrote Jerusalem. The Grade II listed cottage in Felpham urgently needs £ ...
Strictly speaking, the phrase "chariots of fire" comes from the poem And did those feet in ancient times by William Blake. Jerusalem is the name of the song based upon it. The feet in question are ...
And did the Countenance Divine Shine forth upon our clouded hills? And was Jerusalem builded here Among these dark Satanic mills? Bring me my chariot of fire.
The inscription reads simply: William Blake 1757-1827. Blake was born on 28th ... In 1782 he married Catherine Boucher but they had no children. His earliest poems were published in 1783. The words of ...