A good companion planting scheme often has a ripple effect that will enhance the health of your vegetable garden. The trick is finding plant combinations that work well, are easy to manage ...
Because life isn’t all peas and carrots, companion planting is just as effective in your ornamental beds and borders as with your vegetables.
With companion planting, you not only enhance the beauty of your vegetable garden but also boost its productivity and resilience. This age-old gardening technique involves pairing plants that ...
Traditional companion planting, which involves planting different ... Annual flowers can be planted in the beds around vegetables. In the Master Gardener Vegetable and Fruit Demonstration Garden (VFDG ...
Grow herbs and vegetables in the garden with this herb companion planting guide. Learn which herbs to plant together for a maximum yield. The Homesteader’s Herbal Companion (Lyons Press ...
Creating plant communities for mutual benefit is an old gardening tradition. Companion planting isn ... and leeks together on the allotment or vegetable patch to protect against a number of ...
Seed starting and garden planning activities are well underway. One gardening technique that many gardeners incorporate into their gardens is companion planting.