You’re walking up to your car with arms full of groceries, you push the button on your key fob — and nothing happens. No beep ...
Automakers have added tech features in the 2020s that go beyond the touch screens, assisted-driving systems and companion ...
As you approach a toll booth, there's no fumbling for a credit card or reaching for a pass; your vehicle handles the ...
NASA’s DRF helps machines from different sectors share data securely and make smarter decisions – turning everyday travel ...
One of the strongest public opponents of IndyCar's move to hybrid technology is now a supporter, even though it cost his team ...
YouTuber Mark Rober drove a Tesla Model Y on Autopilot at a fake road wall and extreme rain and fog to test it against a ...
Campaigners are calling for changes to be made to the Highway Code to ensure the safety of drivers - here's why ...
Adoption rates of connected car subscription services among drivers are far slower than the technology’s rapid development.
But the transportation institute, which is part of UCONN and works with the Connecticut Department of Transportation (DOT) is using state-of-the-art technology to read your car’s black box ...