When you're the national bird but also need a spa day…” writes the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service over this adorable video of ...
We are sad to let everyone know that one of Jackie and Shadow’s chicks did not make it through the severe winter storm.' ...
Under the watch of a 24/7 livestreamed camera mounted above Jackie and Shadow’s nest in Southern California’s San Bernardino ...
Although grizzly bears are definitely not animals you want to mess with, this bold bald eagle goes straight for the bear's ...
Bald eagles are a protected species in the United States as a result of the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. The ...
A nesting pair of the protected birds have made their home in the Kansas City suburb. Blue Springs and the state conservation ...
The bald eagle is the national symbol of the United States and appears on its official seal. The beaver may be the national ...
It’s eagle nesting season, and Mr. President and the Lady of the United States, aka Lotus, are expecting more eaglets. The ...
An Ontario photographer took this photo of a Canada goose fighting off a bald eagle. Many people say it’s symbolic of ...
Mervyn Sequeira, a 74-year-old photographer based out of Ontario, captured a series of incredible photos of this bird battle ...
Experts, observing from the ground, noticed the female eagle sitting in an “incubating position” in the nest. They believe the egg (or eggs) were laid Tuesday or Wednesday.
Unalaska, on the other hand, is practically the bald eagle capital of the United States. Even though there’s plenty of food in the area, space is limited, and these birds will do almost anything ...