Thistles flower in the summer producing rather pretty purple fluffy heads which in the right environment such as wild flower gardens can be fragrant pollinator attractors. But, generally ...
Thistles or Cirsium may be best known for their showy purple flowers and pink flowers, in addition to their prickly foliage. But these perennials are also important for pollinators, as well as a ...
unlike the leaves and unlike bull thistle and European marsh thistle pink, white, or lavender-colored flowers with flat bracts and pointed tips that bloom in June seed are fluffy, white tufts of hair ...
Sow thistle is commonly found in crops, gardens and waste areas. As with many members of the Asteraceae family, it starts life as a rosette, and then bolts to form an upright flower stem. Sow thistle ...
grows as a typical thistle rosette over winter, then develops an upright flower stem in spring, from which seed is produced and falls into the soil where it spends summer. Winged thistle looks and ...
Current management practices: annually hand pull or dig around rosettes if thistle has bloomed, clip off flowers, buds, and fruiting bodies to prevent seed production mow population before flower buds ...