Still reeling from the unsolved theft of the cherished crown, St. John the Evangelist Church struggles to raise funds to address badly needed repairs and could close its doors.
with the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul began. "Especially because he's got the burden of the whole church on his shoulders, the whole world." The now 88 year old leader of the Catholic Church ...
Every year on Feb. 22, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of the Chair of St. Peter ... 1,800th anniversary of the martyrdom of Peter and Paul. Before that, the chair had not been seen ...
According to the Vatican, there have been 266 popes in the Catholic Church starting with St. Peter and going all the way up ...
As he enters his 13th year as pope, Francis stands tall as the moral authority in today’s world, a voice pleading for humanity, peace and respect for the dignity of all people.
In April 2022, Sts. Peter and Paul held a candlelight prayer vigil for lives lost in the war on the church’s front steps. The parish partners with Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church along ...
This challenge for a Catholic Christian ... to guide and care for His Church on earth. A common objection against Peter's primacy is based on Gal. 2:11-14 where St. Paul rebukes St. Peter (Cephas ...