Pavlichenko attained a final kill tally of 309, making her one of the top five deadliest snipers, period. M arch is Women’s ...
When the riots broke out, Nicholas instructed the city commandant to take firm measures and sent troops to restore order. It ...
The Provisional Government developed a power sharing agreement with the Petrograd soviet (a city council) that rendered it ineffective at providing basic services and law enforcement. The tsarist ...
The Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies played a central role. It was created in the first days of the revolution and had big influence among the lower classes of society.
Today the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of one of the early stars in the pleiades of new martyrs and confessors of the Communist yoke, Metropolitan Benjamin (Kazansky) of Petrograd and ...
In 1917, when Russia was on the verge of revolution, 100,000 women marched down the streets of the Russian capital Petrograd, demanding bread, improved working conditions, and an end to the rule of ...
In Russia, the February Revolution (known as such because of Russia’s use of the Julian calendar) begins on March 8, 1917 ...