At the top of the list is the ... These are the animals with the longest migrations. In the Yukon, Porcupine caribou travel 3,000 miles. This is the longest migration by land of any mammal on ...
The arctic tern may look small and delicate, but these magnificent sea birds migrate further than any other animal on the planet. In a 30-year lifetime, a single tern can fly the same distance as ...
Animal migration has fascinated humans for millennia. And for good reason: Some of the most astonishing feats of endurance are performed by long-distance migrants, such as the nine-day non-stop ...
and animals would be able to use those quite well for migration. So as I watched that leatherback in Costa Rica use her oar-like front flippers to expertly disguise her newly laid nest with sand ...
Over 3,000 animals are trekking across snowy mountains and forests in Xinjiang, China, as part of a seasonal pasture migration. The epic journey sees herders guiding sheep, cattle, and horses through ...
Biotelemetry has provided insight into the mesmerizing world of animal migration. In offering opportunities ... and IUCN red list threat assessments. Endangered Species Research 4, 165-185 ...