Pennsylvania falls within the defined USDA Northeast region of the U.S.: the western Pennsylvania specific USDA Planting Zone ...
It is beneficial to mulch around the shrub after hard pruning. Some species of barberry, including Japanese barberry, are considered invasive plants in some US states and their spread needs to be ...
Japanese barberry is often sold for its attractive foliage and bright red berries, but it’s an invasive species that can ...
Japanese barberry, a woody shrub in the Berberidaceae family, is an understory invasive that can live in many different soil and light conditions. It has nitrogen containing roots (giving them a ...
December’s Weed of the Month is Japanese barberry (Berberis thunbergii). This species is a specially regulated plant on Minnesota’s Noxious Weed list. Japanese barberry is a 3-6 foot tall ...
For more than two decades, Pia Van de Venne of Murrysville has been working to rid the municipality’s parks of invasive plants including barberry, garlic mustard and Japanese stilt-grass.
Japanese barberry is an invasive shrub that harms the environment and human health (not to mention our animal companions). They have escaped our gardens and now outcompete native plants in our forests ...
Japanese Barberry (Berberis thunbergii): In full sun, this shrub is an attractive shade of red and burgundy, especially in autumn, which is one of the reasons that it was a landscaper’s favorite.