The Great Ambition' biopic of Italy's late Communist Party leader Enrico Berlinguer has been sold widely by Fandango Sales.
Sebastiano Timpanaro’s politics were one of the great organizing principles of his life. After his entrance into the Italian ...
Italy’s Communist Party has a new look these days: young. The average age of the Central Committeemen elected at the party’s recent Bologna congress is only 43 — and only eight of the 171 ...
One must admit, however, that the German Communist Party has also learned little from the Italian experience. The Italian Communist Party came into being almost simultaneously with fascism.
Amidst poverty and disease in post-World War II Naples, the Italian Communist Party arranged for the opportunity for poorer children from southern Italy to board a train bound for northern Italy ...
Francesco Maringiò, member of the Italian Communist Party’s department of foreign affairs, opined in his article in Global Research that the resolution reflected the EU leadership’s contempt ...
In Rome, the two declined to see the party fathers. Instead, they resigned as Communists and as Deputies. Said Cucchi: “In the Italian Communist Party, there is no freedom to express one’s own ...
It was an Italian newspaper, founded as official newspaper of the Italian Communist Party. 1945. Source: Courtesy of Giuseppe Morsanuto As a child growing up in the war, Mr Morsanuto savored the ...