Twelve in a minute, 20,000 a day, 7.5 million a year, most of them indoors. Yet until quite recently, researchers have not paid much attention to the quality of indoor air. “It used to a be a pretty ...
While gas and wood burning stoves have made headlines for indoor air pollution, ultrasonic humidifiers are a lesser-known culprit. These devices use high-frequency vibrations to push out cool mist ...
Coughing. Burning eyes. Stuffy nose. If these are chronic problems for you, indoor air pollution could be to blame. A home or office can harbor asthma- and allergy-causing gases and air particles.
It all comes down to indoor pollution—words that probably don’t always make much sense. After all, how can the air inside be polluted unless you’re doing something crazy, like running a ...
But closing doors and windows to keep out unpleasant weather (as well outdoor air pollution from triggers like wildfire smoke) can cause indoor air pollution to climb. That's a problem ...
If you think of air pollution, it's likely a vision of smog over a busy city will spring to mind. But what many people don't realise is just how bad indoor air pollution can also be. A new study ...
CINCINNATI (WKRC) - A new study found that some common scented home products could be creating a worrying amount of indoor air pollution - as much as diesel engines. According to a new study ...