Above soars a vaulted, triangular ceiling; below ... Iliffe says that the greatest percentage of saltwater cave species come from blue holes in the Bahamas, including 18 of the 24 known species ...
A cave diver's paradise, the Bahamas is home to an extensive network of life-sustaining underwater caverns chock-full of history—and a whole lot of mystery.
Writing in the journal Antiquity, Professor Jan Simek of the University of Tennessee and colleagues have published images of giant glyphs carved into the mud surface of the low ceiling of a cave ...
Finding them in a unique place just adds to the fun, but when a set of fossilized footprints was spotted on the ceiling of a cave in Australia, it sparked a decades-long mystery that was only just ...
As you get closer, you’ll look up and see three holes in the top of the cave ... blasting through the “skylights” of the cave ceiling! The humidity in the cave and the dust in the air ...