An Indian vlogger visiting Ethiopia shared a sweet moment of interaction with the Mursi tribe. His video captures him ...
According to many traditions, Ethiopia was the land of the powerful Prester John's kingdom, as well as the home of the ten lost tribes. Persistent rumor had it that these African Israelite ...
The continuous embracement of the past made the early Aksumite civilization and Christianity pillars of Ethiopian culture. The appreciation of Aksum’s glorious past is not only exemplified by attempts ...
I'll stay." For generations the tribes of the Omo were shielded from the outside world by mountains, savanna, and by Ethiopia's unique status as the only African nation never to have been ...
Through "Emaye’s Kitchen," a video series celebrating Ethiopian Jewish cuisine, Beza Abebe shares recipes and heritage.
Nespresso’s Master Origin Ethiopia pours the traditions, culture, and history of coffee’s birthplace into each cup. Ethiopia is a genetic home of Arabica coffee, where coffee cultivation has ...