Dopo gli arresti degli ultras lo scorso 30 settembre nell'inchiesta della Procura di Milano «Doppia Curva», Inter e Milan si costituiranno parte civile nei due processi che coinvolgono i vertici ...
Serie A giants Inter and AC Milan will request to be admitted as civil plaintiffs in the criminal trials of leaders of the two clubs' hardcore 'ultra' fans over alleged violence, intimidation and ...
Il 4 marzo 2025 prenderà il via il processo abbreviato contro gli ultras di Inter e Milan: l’aula bunker di fronte al carcere milanese di San Vittore ospiterà il dibattimento, davanti alla gup ...
Inter Milan president Beppe Marotta insists there’s no room for criminals and violent people at the football stadiums in ...
Milan ultras chose to remain silent during their team’s home match against Parma as a different form of protest against the club and, specifically, owner Gerry Cardinale, who had recently been ...
Nowhere is this more evident than at San Siro, where the Inter Milan Ultras ignite the stadium with energy and emotion, creating an atmosphere that is as memorable as the matches themselves.