Sea trials of the first upgraded variant of the Borei-A-class nuclear missile ... out an improved variant of its latest class of ballistic missile submarines in the summer. Russia’s defense ...
Russia plans to replace its Delta III and Delta IV-class subs with Borei II submarines in the coming years. The Oscar II-class sub will be replaced with the entirely new Yasen submarine class ...
TASS/. The Sevmash shipyard in northwest Russia plans to lay down the 8th Borei-class nuclear-powered underwater missile crusier and the 6th Yasen-class multifunctional submarine in 2016 ...
Russia has plans to build eight Borei class submarines for its naval fleet. The Alexander Nevsky is the first production Project 955 Borei class ballistic missile submarine and the second one in ...
Russia plans to replace its Delta III and Delta IV-class subs with Borei II submarines in the coming years. The Oscar II-class sub will be replaced with the entirely new Yasen submarine class ...
While Russia is midway into its nuclear submarine modernisation program with the new 4th generation ballistic missile carriers of the Borei-class, priority is also given to keep afloat the Soviet ...
The Borei-A class is quieter and more technologically advanced than previous models, posing a considerable threat to Western forces. Russia plans to deploy these submarines in both the Northern ...
The Russian Navy will float out an improved variant of its latest class of ballistic missile submarines in the summer. Russia will float out two advanced nuclear-powered submarines in the upcoming ...