While Purdue Pete, Friar Dom, and the Saint Louis Billiken get plenty of credit for being the creepiest, most disconcerting symbols of collegiate athletics, ‘Ace Purple’, the mascot of Ohio ...
Then, there are inevitably some mascots where it’s hard to know what they are or what they mean upon first glance. Perhaps most well-known to the St. Louis region, the Billiken. St. Louis ...
The noise is deafening. The fans flood the court. The team mascot is swept up and carried on top of the crowd. That's team spirit. That's what it's like to be a Billiken fan at Saint Louis University.
LOUIS – High school mascots are often more than just a team ... St. Louis University High School Jr. Billikens (St. Louis) Roosevelt Rough Riders (St. Louis) Webster Groves Statesmen (Webster ...