TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Meghan Trainor sedang menyiapkan diri untuk kembali beraktivitas di dunia musik. Penyanyi berusia 29 tahun itu sempat rehat sejenak selama dua bulan setelah melahirkan anak kedua.
Jadi saya tidak tahu pendarahan itu normal." (paling kanan) Meghan Trainor bersma suami, Daryl Sabara, dan anak pertama mereka, Riley. Foto: Instagram/@meghantrainor Bintang pop itu sudah menjadi ibu ...
In Trainor’s social media upload, she included a pair of before and after photos. In one shot taken pre-surgery, Trainor ...
Meghan Trainor reveals why she's wanted breast implants her 'whole life' and how she struggled with the 'pop star life' in an exclusive interview.
Ia mulai mencari dokter bedah plastik untuk menjalani pengangkatan payudara serta menambahkan implan kecil agar bentuknya ...
I got them done because they were never even, they were always saggy my whole life,” the “All About That Bass” singer shared in a video Thursday.
Trainor tells PEOPLE about her Motiva SmoothSilk Ergonomix implants — which she calls little "cutie booties" meghantrainor/Instagram (2) Meghan Trainor's breast augmentation has been a long time ...
You can find her on Instagram @OliviaBellusci. Languages: English. Meghan Trainor is opening up about a major body modification she recently underwent. On Thursday, February 6, the 31-year-old ...
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Baru-baru ini Meghan Trainor berbagi cerita di acara Today Show tentang masa-masa dimana dia menjadi korban bullying. Seperti dilansir dari Ace Showbiz, saat itu dia masih duduk di ...