After initially prosecuting those who tried to overthrow an election, Presidents Grant and Hayes backed down—with ...
back in the era of Reconstruction were the party that was pioneering in the creation of a strong national state to protect the rights of African Americans in the South. What did the nineteenth ...
Eric Foner: The new Reconstruction governments were quite ... But in states with large black majorities.... most African Americans, despite the fact you'd had those soldiers in the Civil War ...
A group studying where to put South Carolina’s first Statehouse monument to an individual African American has decided Robert Smalls’ statue should be staring down a notorious white supremacist.
Grant’s tenure were related to the South and African-American civil rights. Reconstruction needed major federal intervention to prevent states from allowing white supremacy to dominate their ...
Challenges: Andrew Johnson had to navigate the reunification and reconstruction of the Union while addressing issues such as African-American civil rights. He failed badly, to the extent that his ...
Carole Emberton - Author of To Walk About in Freedom: The Long Emancipation of Priscilla Joyner ‘Karen Cook Bell’s edited work lowers the volume of nineteenth century chatter to discern the small yet ...