This is a stunning monument. General Robert E. Lee looking across the battlefield. It’s a true testament to the history which occurred at this moment in time. A must stop on your visitFull review by JeffBreedlove
Jul 2, 2023
The Virginia Monument is in the general area where Pickett's charge began. It depicts Lee on his horse with soldiers below. Make sure to exit the car and follow the trail beside it to see where Pic…Full review by Lee L
Jun 19, 2023
This monument was part of the free auto tour. I thought it was one of the nicer monuments, as it was very clean, the brass is very sleek, and the design of it was very eye catching! It was a nice mon…Full review by 816briannap
The Battle of Gettysburg began on Wednesday, July 1st 1863. The first shots were fired northwest of town early in the morning as advancing Confederates ran into Union cavalry...